The Squig Herd
Age of Sigmar - Endless Spells Review
28/2/2020The Squig Herd
#07 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Fyreslayers
18/2/2020The Squig Herd
#06 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Nighthaunt
10/2/2020The Squig Herd
#05 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Legions of Nagash
8/2/2020French Wargame Studio
Live Meta AOS - on passe sur toutes les factions !
7/2/2020French Wargame Studio
Lecture & Analyse Disciples of Tzeentch
4/2/2020The Squig Herd
#01 - Age of Sigmar Warscroll Review - Sequitors
3/2/2020The Squig Herd
#04 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Stormcast Eternals
1/2/2020The Squig Herd
#03 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Seraphon
26/1/2020The Squig Herd
#02 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Ossiarch…
18/1/2020French Wargame Studio
Lecture & Analyse du battletome kharadron…
9/1/2020The Squig Herd
#01 - Age of Sigmar Faction Focus - Skaven
7/1/2020French Wargame Studio
Battletome Slave to Darkness [Lecture & Analyse]
15/12/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Ossiarch Bonereapers [Lecture &…
14/11/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Ogor Mawtribes [Lecture & Analyse]
10/11/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome City of Sigmar [Lecture & Analyse]
3/11/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Orruk Warclans [Lecture & Analyse]
26/10/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Sylvaneth [Lecture & Analyse]
13/7/2019French Wargame Studio
Manuel du général 2019 2/2: Nouveautés, Allégeances…
22/6/2019French Wargame Studio
Manuel du général 2019 : Les changements en points
20/6/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Gloomspite Gitz [Lecture & Analyse]
21/5/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Hedonites of Slaanesh [Lecture &…
30/4/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Fyreslayers [Lecture & Analyse]
16/4/2019French Wargame Studio
Battletome Skavens [Lecture & Analyse]